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Anyway... as you are here, here you have an advance

Many mountains = Many microclimates = Many Different Landscapes = Many Different Wines
Terroir Santo Tomas, old strains for Golerga wine, the project of Viña Zorzal and Gonzalo Ibarrola in the Pre-Pyrenees of Navarra.
Vineyards of the "Alto Najerilla" on foot of La Demanda Range. New wines in the old Universe of Rioja wines.
Mountain of A Muria, the place of the hidden terroirs where the 100 Parker Points Wine of Raul Perez surges.
Armantes Range, Calatayud "Far West". Terroirs of El Cismático wine.
"Searching days" at the terroir of L´Ermita. The "Master Piece" of Alvaro Palacios and one of the indiscutible Ultra-Premiums wines all over the world
Spectacular "Barrio de Bodegas" of Atauta in the unknown Ribera del Duero of Soria. Behind, the Ultra-Premium Terroirs of Dominio de Atauta and Dominio de Es.

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